Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Middle of the Week....


It is the morning streak in the sky.  It did clear off but we did have periodic showers that lasted five minutes per time.


 I am not sure why the moss rose is in a slump but they are not blooming well.  I can't tell if they are not wet enough or vice versa. I have been letting the rains take care of them.

All flowers are worth while. I still think these blooms are too small. I am glad it is growing and actually climbing the trellis. 

I worked on the last rose bush today, cutting back stems and removing all the dead blooms that I could reach.  It will look better in a week as it will leaf out some.  I took off a wheel barrow full of stems.


I cleared up the mess of a robin's nest with one built on top of an old one. Stuff was dangling and falling down onto the patio.  Now she is back making a new nest. 

The garden spots are sure full of a lot of color at this time.  By the time they are gone I am hoping the zinnias will start to bloom. It will be hot not again for a lot of days. Thanks for stopping by today.


Val Ewing said...

Yes! Beautiful gardens!
My moss roses did not flourish yet this summer at all.

We are in for a warm rest of the week.
Stay cool.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Maybe the moss roses need some fertilizer:)

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Awesome flowers