Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunny Day....


 Front yard and back don't show the feeling of the high humidity. Hot dry would make the grass turn brown so there is a benefit for all that moisture in the air.  My back view doesn't show all the tools and boards piled high from my present ongoing project. 

Coats of water sealer will be applied to protect the new wood. Our country doesn't allow so much tree harvesting so we buy wood from other countries. The entire railing system was made from pine boards from New Zealand. I have planted hostas in pots to fill up the gaps. It is probably overkill with things being too fancy but I do like to create and build. The stairs are such an improvement and it is my easiest way to get to the backyard when I am outside.  I have a sharp hill on the opposite side that is a pain to mow.

I have encircled the Russian sage with wire and support posts to bring it all back into a bunch. It spreads out so badly that I run into it when I mow around it. 

I shared this photo of my tomatoes with my brothers in Arizona and California. They have some difficulty growing them even though the one in Arizona keeps trying. I pulled as many morning glories from the patch but I don't mind if a few get through. I planted small tomato plants in the late evening and I did get some to grow. They are late to ripen but we will have some.  I did pick three small ones last week. 

It is a good day for rest. We have sunshine. We have 85 degrees F. right now with 64 percent humidity. We are predicted to have a hotter week. The grass as slowed down in its growing but it hasn't turned brown yet. I will be watering thing as the days proceed. Thanks for stopping by today.


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Everything is looking good nice sunny days make me feel happy, cold not so sunny days like today in Newie do not

Far Side of Fifty said...

Your yard and house look great! Morning Glory that color is stunning!

Val Ewing said...

Yes! Last year my yard was brown and crispy and we didn't even bother with mowing.
This year there is plenty of grass still growing.

Your yard looks amazing.
Stay safe in this heat.