Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday and it is Steamy.....


In my secret garden area the angel sits and contemplates the heat and humidity. The red in the background is a plastic flag.  I guess the utilities people wanted to mark a line and the flag is still there.

My workspace is outside as sawdust does need to stay outside.   It is about time to clean up and take all the tools back inside as the project is mostly completed.  It has been so hot that sitting in the chair for a break really doesn't work. 

The tiger lilies seem to keep blooming as there are a few buds left to open. 

We had the drought for so many years that the normal blooms are just outstanding. Also the plants themselves spread better as the moisture stays consistent. 

The front yard spread is doing better. I have to water it anyway to get those petunias to bloom. The newly added hardy geraniums are not making much of a statement. 

I worked at water sealing my railings today.  I didn't get done as it took a long time and it got too hot to be out there. There are many more days in the summer to do the job so I will just plug along until it is done. Thanks for stopping by today.

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