Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tuesday, It Doesn't Feel Like It.....

 Sometimes that perfect picture comes around when you aren't working for it. The evening light along with the proper distance to the flower I got a pure clear photo with the real color of the day lily. 



The new round of buds are atarted on this rose. It is a small bud to a smaller rose but it still has great impact. 

The tiger lily is almost in full bloom now with only a couple of buds left to open. They never last long enough but they were great to see even if I forgot that they were planted there. 

My backyard cottage garden is so colorful right now. Phlox is one of those plants that you have to tolerate it looking like a weed for a long time and then it explodes into great colors. 

The next splash of color should be from these zinnias.  I finally got them to grow. I have not buds at this point but when I do see one or two I know the whole field will be in bloom.  The finches and hummingbirds love these. I hope we get some butterflies this year but so far I haven't seen anything but white small ones. 

We both have appointments tomorrow.  Mine is insignificant in comparison to my hearing doctor and her surgeon. My wife is very strong now and can handle whatever next will come her way.  Thanks for stopping by today.


Val Ewing said...

That is good news about your wife!

I do love my phlox even though I wish they'd last for a very long time.
I will be moving a lot of 'ditch' lilies to another place next to the forest where I can enjoy their orange colors next year.

My zinnias are just starting and didn't do well this year. I have seen Swallowtails but not many other butterflies!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Good to hear that Della is stronger! Wow you will have lots of Zinnias when they bloom!