Friday, January 17, 2025

A Green Santa....

 The sun does shine in the winter time. I had to take a shot to show the glow coming in our front door. You can see snow is partially on the ground. It didn't warm up enough for it to be gone but more of it did melt. 

My new project of a planting of seeds from trees. It is a bonsai tree kit and I had to place the soil into these plastic lined pots and water them in for growth. I have them setting on top of an aquarium hood so the heat from the water heater will seep up a little bit into the pots. I planted only half of the seeds provided so if I have any failures in starting them l can try again . It will be years before they become a bonsai tree but it will be fun to grow trees in pots. 

We have a new refrigerator and we have been slowing adding things onto the front of the door.  The kids brought us these small school pictures. Our grand daughter decided to glue them to some paper and illustrate around them.  She has butterflies around her’s while her brother below has dinosaur tracks.  The oldest brother gets to have a shark next to his photo.  We did get larger photos to put in our picture frames on the mantel. This project by Ella was done in the car while they were driving here from their Illinois home. 

I cleared off my drawing table and she sat at it a lot of the time making pictures. As you can see she has made her mark on the top so no one else can use it but her. I don't even know how the peace symbol of the sixties has been brought down to her today. 

I was confused about why the Santa is in green. I learned from the PBS show "All Creatures Great and Small" that the Santa Claus of England during the 1940's was green.  I think Coca Cola ads turned him red in our country. 

We are warmer today but the deep freeze is coming back again.  I will make one last trip to the grocery store and get meds tomorrow.  It will be stocking up for the long haul of the real winter.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

We were very windy today and cold, we are staying inside for the need to go anywhere. Stay warm