Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Middle of the Week's Worth....

 Decopage from the past hangs one the wall on an old house board and a magazine picture stuck down well. .


While I was making trips out to the deck to shoot photos of the moon, I had to stop and visit the city. The village has a lot of energy at night with all the people out and about on the streets. The lights are on and the people are busy doing so many things.  Church choir is going on and people like sharing some hot chocolate.

The moon doesn't really change much but it is always a challenge to see if I can get a focused shot of it. I had to dodge the snow piles that are left in certain spots. I also had to wait for it to finally get up above the blue spruce tree. 

The shiny for the day is a group of ones hanging too close to each other. That is one of my favorite indents and the house is a good one. 

It is too cold to get out but I do have to go tomorrow for meds. The snow is sort of freezing itself away with the cold evaporation. There are big patches of grass showing and I see we have two warmer days coming up. It will be great to be warmer even though 42 degrees F. isn't hot.   Thanks for stopping by today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

We are much warmer today and maybe tomorrow then Canada is opening the freezer doors again:(

The Furry Gnome said...

Hope you're up for the cold weather we're sending you!