Saturday, January 11, 2025

Project Day...

 We never had much of a snowfall but what we have is leaving slowly. The tracks of the rabbits in the snow helps some of the snow to thin out. 

My second story deck is almost clear of snow. I did shovel some out to make it melt away more quickly. 

My project for the day was to make a new top for my older bird feeder.  My height of the new top was determined by what recycle wood that I had.  I took a sturdy old piece and cut it into four equal lengths. That meant that my new roof was seven and a half inch tall.  I used leftover pieces from a wainscotting project and also strips of one by tow for another project.

I had a two leveled feeder at my old place and wanted to recreate that here on my old platform. I am thinking snow won't be as much of a problem at the lower level so seed is always available. The platform is not in good shape so I may have to return in another season and rebuild or replace some of that wood. I have pictures from the old place where the neighbor cat would crawl up into that lower level and sit there checking out the view. Tom is long gone but he was the neighbor's cat that loved my wife and came to visit her often. 

This gives me two trays which could increase the chance for cardinals. I looked out and laughed earlier as there wasn't a bird in sight on the feeder but the juncos were on the ground around it feeding. They really prefer eating on ground level but when desperate in a snow storm they will land on a feeder. 


Thanks for checking in today. 


Far Side of Fifty said...

Looks like that will be a great feeder~

Val Ewing said...

Cardinals are mainly ground feeders also. I take an old chunk of wood and place seed on it for them to knock off and eat off the ground with the Juncos.
Nice feeder!

KCD said...

Here's hoping some Cardinals come by. They are my favorite bird and I do enjoy your pictures of them. We don't have any of them around us here in Northern CA