The tree is banished. I took all the ornaments off on Saturday and today I took off the lights and disassembled the branches. I had my camera with me to take shots of special ornaments.
The mallard duck was a gift to me one Christmas. I zoomed in on it to make it look larger that it really is. It is one of my favorites with its green head and glittery feathers.
This is the ornament that inspired my collections of glass blown materials. I had some of them before this one but my wife brought this antique of her parents home when we married. Ol things fascinate me and I have other replicas of old glass blowns.
purchased a set of six of these from a store in a mall in Omaha in 1973. At the time that I bought them it because they were unusual and latter on found out they were antique replicas. They were all of different shapes but all were replicas.
This is another of them in that set. The construction of them are pretty crude but the intent of being replicas is good for me.
The church was also in the set. I have bought a few years later the ones that look like churches.
I took too many pictures to share them all but it sad now for me to put them away for eleven months. We were cold again today but at least we did have sunshine for most of the day. I know people north of us were so severely cold that I can't complain about the cold. I do that I still have to wear my heaviest coat to go outside for chores. Thanks for stopping by today.
Such pretty ornaments I enjoyed seeing them all!
With the cold being like that, it was probably a good day to be indoors.
I was chilled when I hiked and I don't often get that way even in the coldest temps.
Beautiful replicas of antique ornaments.
Larry, always enjoy your blog, but how did you rate a sunny day? I can't remember the last time I saw the sun! We did get the ornaments and decorations put away though, so that's a big relief here.
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