Saturday, August 31, 2024


There can be a theme if you work it hard enough. Three round items are a part of the hospital food tray.

 A chapel window in the hospital has such great use of round shapes and great colors. The one above is placed on the opposite side of a curved chapel wall.

Friday, August 30, 2024

A Good Use…….

 The new fridge allows me to remove a shelf so I can  stow my wife’s flowers. She is not home yet but this might keep them longer for when she returns. 

My wife had an additional procedure done today involving the placement of a stint for drainage of excess bile. It was an exhausting procedure but necessary.

She is improving the farther away from the surgery on Tuesday.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The View…

My wife has been through surgery and is doing as good as is possible. Gallbladder is removed and recovery is better two days later now.

Life at the hospital is like living at a small city of its own with all actors playing their parts. Visitors from the outside world break into the days that are helpful.

Blogging on a phone at 3:30 in the morning is different.

We should be home soon and I will play the medical man.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Mentions for the Day....





I spent a lot of time at the fridge place with meaningful conversations this morning. I can't say the conversations were always happy ones but I refused to be the victim.  I was allowed to exchange the larger fancy fridge with a small plain Jane one.  I really didn't want to buy that one but my kitchen is designed for a cheap fridge.  Hopefully they will get us the new one and the one that never did work after three days will be taken away. I got a refund which surprised me as the salesperson thought I might have to pay for the exchange.  When you sell a fridge with swinging doors the customer needs to be told how much space is needed to do that. 

I fixed my neighbor's deck post this morning in the heat.  She was a needy person that wanted it done yesterday. I had to put in one more lag bolt to tighten up the post so it would not wiggle.  I found another one that I can also do when I get free to do so.  I got overheated while doing the ratcheting of the bolt and had to ask for water and sit down for a while. Heat can creep up on you and one doesn't show up until one stops and the body says you have overdone it.

We return to the hospital tomorrow as a conclusion to all that my wife has been going on with her health. We need to be at the hospital by nine in the morning. I hope that it will not be a long day for her sake. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

No Fun in the Sun....




The mourning doves were happy that I refilled the feeder. I can't tell which ones are the adults and ones that are young new fledglings.  We have lots of mourning doves. 

The hummingbirds seem to be at war for most of the day, one trying to drive another away from the sweet water. I know that there are at least two of them out there but there could be more.

I have the one zebra finch. He is a puzzlement to me. He has the band on his front chest but he isn't growing out the orange patches on the side of his head.  I read that they need to go through a molting period and then the you one can truly be identified as a male or female. I do think it is trying to crow which does  mean it is a male. If I get confident that it is a male I will go out and buy a female partner for it. I keep taking pictures of it and comparing it to my bird book and the internet photos. No female has that band on it when I look at the pictures of females. 

We are at 95 degrees F. at 56% humidity.  It is not comfortable to be outside. The one pool of the neighbors has three grand kids having a great time. The families of the other two must be staying inside with the air conditioning. I am inside for sure. Thanks for stopping by today. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Humid and Hot....


It was beautiful out there this morning when I took the shot. It was not long until the day turned out to  be very humid and hot. 



It has taken a long time for these morning glories to bloom that were in the planters next to the fancy trellis. 

Hardy geraniums are not very hardy this year. They are watered well enough by me but they just aren't blooming well. 


We got a new refrigerator. The one we had that came with the house stopped working.  There is a whole story around all of this but I will spare you the drama.  It is a nice new one but it takes 24 hours to get it to do real cooling. We are still waiting. The new engineering requires the oil in the coils to get readied to cool the fridge. We are still waiting for it to get cold. I think the guy forgot to turn it on so I did mess with it last night and turned it on. It has some great design features but the door opening up against the wall is a big problem. I can't fix that without getting a smaller cupboard on the right of it, both top and bottom.  We won't be able to ever get to the ice bin but it does dispense ice in front. I am working on that problem.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Friday's Finds....


I couldn't figure out why the hummers weren't feeding. I went out and checked things out.  I guess when it gets totally empty they just don't bother to check it out anymore. I filled it one evening and had hummers back the next morning. 

A new young mourning dove was out there and it just didn't plan on leaving while I was grilling. It didn't have fear of me, a moving object. 

I finished mowing the backyard this morning. I sent this photo to my wife to show her that  I was done. It was getting to be too long and I did leave a few wind rows in certain areas. We are having good temps right now but it is promised to get extremely hot again. School started today for most schools. I bet they wished they had spent more time in their swimming pools. 

The knock out rose is putting out some last blooms for the season. The red is so wonderful to see on this rose. Thanks for stopping by today.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday's Things....

 There was a sun in the sky but it was  covered by clouds in the time that I took to get my camera. Its up there as you can see the white cloud being lighted up by it. 



Yes it does grow like a weed but when the owner is friendly with them he lets them bloom. I sometimes can't see the tomatoes with the vines everywhere shielding the view. 

I am getting more tomatoes than I can use. I am looking for a person or two to share them with soon. The big boys and big girls aer not large this year. My yellow tomato is my best producer. 

While I sat and rested on the patio I watch this guy work towards me from the distant flower garden. He sat very still for long periods of time to check out his surrounding. Eventually he scampered over to the deck stairs where he climbed up to the birdseed on the deck. 


I mowed my front yard this morning and had to wear a parka to keep warm.  It did eventually warm up and I had to shed the parka while pulling weeds.  I boxed up gift plants for my two brothers this morning to ship to them.  They have different climates from me but I can send iris to them.  One of them I sent agapanthus as it grows well in California. It will grow wild for him there and it will bloom.  My brother in Arizona sort of can grow iris but he has to place it at just the right place and nurture it a lot. I sent an indoor plant to each of them also as I have too much of it and I want to share. Thanks for stopping by today.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Middle of the Week....

 Old Blue is enjoying the summer weather with light rains and cooler weather. The tree is one of the things that we thought was a bonus in buying our house. It is an amazing tree. The story is told that the former owner had planted eight of them originally. The grand kids that lived with them for a while because of their behavior problems mowed them down by accident or intentionally. I am so glad that the kids moved away and this one did survive.

My yucca did seed very well from all those blooms. The five stems look bad so I looked it up. The people say one can cut them down.

Evidence of job done is exhibited. I know have to figure out how to dispose of them. I will probably have to cut them up into small sections and put them in a recycle bag. 

The zinnias continue to increase in the number of blooms and I really like it. The recycled seed seems to put out a variety of colors. 

We are being told that the high temps are coming our way. I probably should have mowed today but I am giving my body a break for a couple of days. I sat for awhile this morning and watched the rabbits and chipmunks scampering around in the yard. I did get photographs of them.  Thanks for stopping by today.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Things To Share.....

 Summer can not be without sunflowers. My first of many have started to bloom. It is an unedited photo showing a spontaneous shot. 



The hibiscus bloomed late this year but it is loaded now with lots of color. The flowers don't last very long but there are lots of buds awaiting to bloom.



I have been doing light work the past few days. I did get some weeds pulled and trimmed up some stray tree saplings.  We have great weather tight now and things are blooming good.  I do have phlox in decline right now but they have bloomed for a long time. My zinnias are not drawing in butterflies like I would like. Maybe when it gets really hot they may need a drink more.  Thanks for stopping by today.

Monday, August 19, 2024



 We have been having clear nights the past few days so I have to take the shots. It lights the night with the moon summer moon.

The leaking birdbath has proved to be a great display for the moss rose. It blooms in parts and rarely have I ever seen it all in bloom at one time. 

 My cone flowers are at their last blooms. All of them have faded colors at this time of the season.

 I keep my eyes open for butterflies at the zinnias. It isn't proving to be a great year for them to feed there. I do see the hummingbirds feeding there mostly. The swallowtail that I saw last wee was there for such a short time and never has returned. 

We have hot and humid weather today and our week is going to get to be very hot. The grass is slowing down in its growth but it is looking a little bit shaggy.  I have been working inside mostly these past two days.  I did pull some grass out of an area of the flower garden but it wasn't a major workout. Thanks for stopping in today.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Friday, August 16, 2024

Finishing Off the Week....

 Clear skies means we will warm up today. The days are getting shorter but it will be more noticeable in the months to come. Kids going back to school changes all that goes on around here in our neighborhood. 

Looking down from the deck you can see my sunflowers are growing taller. They are the shorter variety. Also there are the four tomato plants and they too are getting to be tall. Scattered in there are some glads and just a few zinnias spotted here and there. Of course I need to mention the morning glories invading the whole patch and you can see them growing on the tomatoes in this picture. 

Most of my tomatoes are smaller this year. I don't know why except I didn't water them so much. I did fertilize and it rained a lot. 

I picked some that were not ripe as the chipmunks are eating on them.  The romas are bad about being on the ground so I pick them as soon as any color starts to show.

I bought groceries this morning and stopped off at Ace to get some crabgrass preventer. I spent the rest of the morning working with my spreader putting down some good stuff to stop it. I didn't get all the yard covered yet as it just got too hot to work out there. I had to stop and go inside. I can finish the rest of the yard tomorrow morning. It is windy again today but the sun still making it feel hot.  Thanks for stopping by today.