Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Middle Day.........of the Week.

The lily was moved away from the deluge of the water coming off of the roof.  The size of the foliage of this old bulb is larger than I have ever seen before and little sprouts are coming up from the bottom. It really does like its spot against the fence.

I am on an apple watch to see if there will be apples. I don't have a way to know at this point and will watch and see what happens.

It was a perfect day to photograph.  I was able to capture a good pure white and a bright red with the digital camera.

We are warming up more today but still will not hit 70 degrees F.  It is all the north country's fault and the wind is from the north and they keep leaving their freezer doors open.

Back at school today, working with students who need assistance. It is an abbreviated day, as all Wednesday's are, so I will look forward to getting out early.  I am trying to get a delivery done today of a framing project. Just one of the behind the scenes things going on to keep us on task.  I hope the customer is going to cooperate. Everyone take care out there. Thanks for stopping by today.