Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Tuesday's Posting.....


The patterns and colors in the clouds are all so wonderful.  The view is looking up the backyard towards the neighbor’s trees. I remember when the young family man planted that tree on the left and was so glad that he did. It is going to be a big beautiful maple for a long time. Ironically the two neighbors next to these trees are two owners that don't have a tree in their front or back yards. 

We had a small rain in the early morning.  I was up early and looked out to see wet sidewalks.  We needed more than a tenth of an inch but it was some moisture and that was the first after a month and a half of no rain. 

I have one last cone flower that is faded and sad looking. It is in the shade of the house all of the time so it has hung on longer than all of my others which are dead. 

The drought has been hard on my burning bush. It is at least alive while a dogwood bush next to it didn't survive the summer.  I wasn't around to water them so they did suffer.

I worked at a number of chores today. I cleaned up and bagged the spent phlox stems. I dead headed two rose bushes and cut some stray volunteer trees. I also dug up an row of hosta plants, young ones, that didn't survive being taken over by healthy grass. I watered down the strip of soil so I could dig everything up and start over with the planting. 

I got my work jeans muddy but it was  worth it. With it all cleared out I planted some new hosta from another part of the garden and put them in as larger more mature plants. I plan on putting down mulch to keep back the grass and get that row of hosta growing next to the stairs.  Tomorrow I have two bags of mulch to spread and then next day I visit the dental office again. I doubt I get any yard work done all day Thursday. Thanks for stopping in today.

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