Those of you who know Iowa weather, we know that it is not time to buy any new plants. We are going to go into a long heat spell and new stuff will wither away in the heat. But I was at the Woodsmith Store and they have a wonderful garden center. It is very expensive and I rarely buy plants there but the prices are starting to drop on insignificant things. I bought a Janpanese iris called Imperial Magic, I will spend my days keeping an eye on that. It is growing out of that small pot with full length leaves. I will trim it even if I can pull off planting it without distrubing the roots. I also picked up some catnip which I have been viewing on some of my friendly garden blogger sites. Then I bought this off the wall plant for Iowa, two of them as they were half off, called Aeonium Arboreum Atropurpureum. It is a succulent for zones 9 or 10. I am in zone 5 or 4 depending on the winter so it will be turned into a houseplant. I may try to add it with a cactus on a flat bonsai planter. We will see. I remember seeing it growing rampantly in California in large bush form.

We bring in our Yellow Kitty every night and I looked out and she had made herself at home in the box of plants. She has always loved boxes and I think most cats do. I took the picture through the glass of the door as I was concerned she would spook or move on me. It took and then when I opened the door you get the last picture.

Once I was out to bring in the cat, I had to return and take a lot of storm cloud pictures. Digital cameras are wonderful as you can snap them easily. It was a somewhat threatening sky so I had to stay and see what was going to happen. Having had a tornado come down our street a few years ago, you don't take weather lightly. Those photos will be coming soon on a blog.
What a pretty kitty!
Looking forward to your stormy sky pictures...I love those!
I bet your cat loved the catnip too! It's funny what a cat will go in. I had one that would crawl in paper bags that were left open on the ground.
This is a great time for plant shopping. I'm keeping my eye out for good deals too.
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