Saturday, May 23, 2009

How not to group your plants.....

I am taking a picture of the single peonies that I inherited and I am thinking what I am seeing here is insane. Last year I planted three rhubarb plants in a new area so I could get fresh plants. When I planted them, it was not a very organized area but I was proud that I got them moved and that they grew. The phlox plant you see there has moved itself into the area from an very close adjoining flower bed. I had four of these peonies last fall that I just needed to get into the ground. I was very busy and planted them quickly in four very different areas on the property. My various locations were all good as the plants did well.
As an artist I can see that it all works, tall, wide leaf and spots of color with gray green foliage. But as a gardener, this combo is crazy. I will move things later this fall. I want to see the phlox bloom and the rhubarb is doing very well. The peony seems extremely hardy so I can move it probably after it blooms. The phlox I can move this fall. I guess right now it is time to make rhubarb cobbler. Thanks for reading.......

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

Those are the much sought after Fern Leaf Peonies.. I had one once. They are terribly expensive up here, I have to go to the local cemetery to get photographs. You are very lucky to have them anywhere on your property!! :)