Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Seeing triples.......

I purchased these by mistake a few years back and I didn't think they were still producing blooms but look at this. Blurry and all, they are triple headed daffodils on one stem. The wind is blowing and I had a difficult time getting them to stay still. They are sort of cute and if you don't look closely you think you are seeing groups of flowers. They are individual flower size about half the size of a normal daffodil.
From the stories one hears I am assuming this is a mutant that they discovered and the nurtured it to be a consistent bloomer. I don't remember it being so much later than the rest of my daffodils. They are fun. Thanks for reading....


Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Those are pretty, I don't think I've seen a triple one before.

L. D. said...

I bought it at a Menards or Lowes and I really didn't notice that it was going to be three on one stem until they came up the first year. I then went back to see the package label. Yep, they are meant to be that way.

Erin said...

I didn't know that existed, but they're pretty!