I'm done posting about this one, except when I finally have birds nesting in the dwelling. If you have followed me, this has been a long process. Design as you go is sometime the worse way to go, but it makes it more of an adventure. From the various photos you can see it took a lot of coffee and a hammer to get it all done. My crippled hand says stop hammering, but I couldn't put it all together with screws only as I just couldn't get small enough and long enough screws to make it work. So I had to use smaller nails to hold on the roof parts.
I am really happy with the final product. I had over-painted decoration on it and went back and cleaned up the design. I made the base to slip over the top of the pole and I hadn't remembered that the basketball pole had holes in it for the basket apparatus, so I was glad to be able to bolt the thing preparing it for tornado winds. After the base was up, I then removed as many parts off the top of the house that I could, like the roof of each house and stuff on top of them,to make it lighter in weight. I then put the lower section of the houses onto the base. I had pre-screwed small screws on the underside of the base so that I could just sit the main house on to the base and finish screwing then in to the house base. Then one piece at a time I put the rest back on to finish the assembly. I had a bad cold and shouldn't have been out there but when I took one piece out at a time it seemed like I was doing no harm to myself. I am sure glad it is all done.
I had a women pick up a framing job yesterday, and she said she wanted to buy one. I really wanted to do that at first but the time it takes to do all of the parts and assembly and painting, I am betting people won't want to pay me the labor bill to do it.
Change of plans today as the cold is worse or not better, we are going for a couple hours to a bookstore and mellow out for a while. May not have coffee today as hot chocolate sounds better. One more project off my list. Thanks for reading.
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