Monday, August 1, 2022



 The violets responded to neglect.  The got really dry then I watered them about two tablespoons of water.  I had water that had violet fertilizer in it and three of them just started to bloom.  I water once a week and is really a small amount of water each time.

I worked in the garden this morning working with a daylily.  It was crowding out a rose bush so I had to dig into the very hard dry soil.  We are in a drought and I finally got a bucket of water and poured it over the plant to be dug and the area where I needed to dig. 

We attended a cousin's reunion yesterday in southern Iowa.  They are in a worse drought than us. The corn is barely tasseled and is very short.  The leaves are all wilted.  We were at the cemetery later and the soil has shrunk away from the foundations of the tombstones.  I tried to dig holes in their ground to push fake flowers into the ground and it was very difficult.  I do wish southern Iowa gets some rain soon. I have stories to tell of the event but will wait for another time.  I did water everything this morning.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

Val Ewing said...

Eeek gads, that does sound terribly dry. I sure hope everyone gets the moisture they need.

Your flowers are so beautiful.