Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Wednesday's Whatevers.....

 At a certain time of the year the sun sets directly in line with our street.  The suberbian hills look just like this.

Here is the promise of rain that just did not happen.  It did rain to the south of us and in the southeastern part of the state.  Our soil is bone dry and hard as cement on surface. I transplanted iris this morning and everywhere I dug I had to stand on the spade with all my weight to break through the top layer. The dry soil below can be dug into a bit but it is packed and dry.

The sunflower is really growing tall. I am sure it is beyond six foot now.  The locals who grow sunflowers in the fields are about a week ahead of me but this one is looking great.

I know that sedum likes dry weather but I water it anyway.  I can pretend it is getting some natural rainfall on it. 


I never really can identify the leaves of this plant but I do know it comes up every year in spite of me. I keep thinking I have lost it and then I have yellow blooms that look good. 

It was cooler today than yesterday but the heat did still get to me.  I had dug a bucket full of white iris rhizomes yesterday and today I found places to plant them.  They are scattered here and there on the property.  Tough digging but I was determined to get them in the ground.  I watered them well and will do so again in a couple of more days.  I dug one of my cemetery iris also to move it to a different location.  If I lose the  original ones and want to have a back up plant.  I did move a hosta yessterday and I watered it in well this morning as the ground was so dried out around it.

I have an appointment today and will have to get myself in order to go to it.  I am glad they call or text so I can be warned of the correct time and date.  Sometimes they get recorded wrongly on the calendar by me.  Middle of the week and it is a hot and very cloudy day.  Thanks, see you tomorrow.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Cooler here today and I am thankful for it! Stay cool hope you get some rain soon:)

Val Ewing said...

My goodness! That sure looks dry there! I sure hope some rain comes soon!

I cannot imagine how the crops are fairing in the drought!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Just caught up on some of your previous posts, Larry, as I have been a bit neglectful in blog reading lately. Too bad the heat and drought are affecting so many and plants as well. Sometimes, it makes us thankful we live in an apt and do not have such concerns. The plant removal at the cemetery was unfortunate and hopefully you can have a successful replanting. I hope the reunion went well as keeping in contact is important after such long times apart.