Sunday, August 14, 2022

The Sunny Times.....

 Bumble bee likes the zinnias a lot. He was too busy eating to be bothered by me and my camera.

 The roses are surviving even though they have needed a lot of watering. The city has asked us not to water things now.  I have some water barrels I guess I can get water from and carry it up the hill.

 Happiness for a gardener is when new grouth is seen from a transplanted iris. All of the leaves have lengthened but the new one in the middle is a new start. 

I have seen others in my area that also have certain bushes that have quit trying to keep the leaves green.  I hope it is just an emergency plan for it and that it all comes back in the spring. 

This is the last day lily bloom for the season.  It was protected from the sun by Russian sage and an iris.  It kept it cool I guess as it had the moisture to do this one last bloom. 

It isn't so hot today.  We were cool for most of the morning.  The sun is hot now when you are out in it. I gave away tomatoes to my neighbor today so I know it is true summer.  It is nice to find places to share them when you have too many.  We don't can.  Thanks for stopping by today.


A Brit in Tennessee said...

Lovely to see your beautiful blooms Larry, it's been quite a job keeping everything watered and happy this season.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I don't can either...well jelly but that doesn't count! That is one pretty daylily! :):)

Val Ewing said...

I do can tomatoes and jelly, but I did so much of that a year ago, I still have a good supply.

Love the bee on the Zinnia! The insects really love them.
Sorry it is so dry there.
