Saturday, August 6, 2022


 The humidity was so thick that the sun barely peaks through it.  It didn't get any more comfortable as the humidity has stayed and the predicted high today is 101°.  It isn't pleasant.  I worked on some things outside this morning and I just had to quit.

I like lily of the valley but they are invasive. The lone part of a healthy coneflower is down to this.  When it is done flowering and it cools down I will move it to a better place. 

The "knock out" roses are blooming again but it isn't very robust. The heat really did slow down their putting on new buds.  I have watered them some but it still isn't the show that I usually get from these roses. 

The phlox blooms are almost to the end of their season.  I like how the little blooms fall to the ground making the look of scattered petals in trumpet shapes.  

I worked on my transom window this morning and attempted to remove the glass panes to clean the whole thing up for a better paint job.  I broke two out of four of them but I do know how to cut glass.  We framed pictures in our shop for about twenty years so I can replace the glass easily.  The dried glazing material has been patched so many time that I couldn't scrape enough of it off o keep me from twisting them out and breaking them.  The age of the glass is very old and the thickness of the glass was very thin.  

Saturday's are fun and I hope you all have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


Val Ewing said...

We had a quiet day because of the intense heat and humidity. I felt like I was walking in invisible hot water while doing chores.

I got things ready for the storms that we are supposed to get. I wish I could send you some rain.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hope you get cooler weather soon we got a bit of rain last night:)