Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tuesday’s Things......

I looked out my living room window and saw this goldfinch. It has taken all summer to get one to come to a feeder.  I have seen a couple flying around.

I have a far distant blurry shot of one of two who have been feeding off of the zinnias. I remember that they really like coneflowers in the fall but right now they are still in bloom. It is interesting how they behave differently each season. I had lots of goldfinches two years ago and now I haven’t seen any for months.

I was concerned that maybe all the sparrows were keeping them away but this shot proves wrong.  I refilled this last night and this morning we have a large flock of the sparrows going in now.

The complete lighthouse includes a lot of extra things that made the whole place work.  In the background is a building that held a steam machine to make the giant fog horns make their large sound.  If the ships couldn’t see the light house, they could hear the sounds of the horns.  They had lots of wood from the timbers to create heated water to help make steam.  The lighthouse itself was warmed by the woodturner in the west end of the attached building. You can see the chimney in this shot.

The foghorn was built on the rock also. You can see the tall chimney on this building.  They must have built stairs to get to the back door of this building.  The whole rock formation really and usual formation being on top of the cliff.

The woking system looked like this to power the fog horns.  I do remember when they left these on display when I visited the place 25 years ago.  I am not sure why they removed the machinery but I am sure they had a good reason. I guess a picture is easer to maintain than having people mess with the equipment.

The back door of the head light keepers house was decorated with these brackets. The back door was covered and the front door did have a porch.

The rock cliff does project out into the lake and one could see how ships could easily crash against it.

I have more photos to share of the keepers house where they eventually had running water for them through the use of pressure tanks and gasoline engine pumps.

We had another storm through the night giving us a lot of lightning and thunder.  We got about an inch of rain with that  helping us to get out of the drought season.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

Laurel Wood said...

Splendid shot of the goldfinch. I've seen a few flying around here. I saw a hummer here today on our lantana, too.
Fascinating to think of all that went into the lighthouse's operation. The steam to make the fog horn work. Your photos of the different buildings are nice and I like those brackets on the porch.
I used to read a lot of good, clean mysteries to mother and there were a couple about lighthouses!
They are installing our porch rail today. It is so hot for them to have to work in the sun.
You both have a good afternoon.